The Donor-Centered Thank You Letters Project, Volume IV

Every moment fundraisers spend writing outstanding thank you letters is time well spent. 90% of donors say that, when they’re great, thank you letters are more influential than any other written communication they receive. And, they make money. “Donor-Centered” thank you letters inspire some donors to give again immediately, not because they include an ask, but because they don’t. Great acknowledgements have impact and that impact lingers through to the next campaign. Many donors in our research studies say that when they read an exceptional thank you letter, they decide right then and there to give again the next time they are asked.

The Donor-Centered Thank You Letters Project (v4) will include some of our industry’s best thank you letters, each one annotated by renowned researcher and author, Penelope Burk. Submit your best effort. If it is published, you will receive a free copy of this helpful resource.

 Deadline for Submissions: July 31st.


What makes a thank-you letter “donor-centered”?

Donor-centered thank-you letters don’t read like typical acknowledgements. They make donors very glad that they gave and they influence donors’ future support because they express sincere gratitude and feel like they were written for a single donor. A full list of the characteristics of Donor-Centered thank you letters can be found in “Donor-Centered Fundraising” by Penelope Burk. Here are five donor-centered characteristics that make your thank you letters stand out:

  • They focus on the donor, not the gift;
  • They start with an original opening line. (80% of typical thank you letters begin with, Thank you for your generous gift of X…”)
  • They convey the gratitude and inner warmth of the writer
  • They are signed by someone from the highest ranks of the not-for-profit, not a fundraiser
  • They never ask for another gift

What about confidentiality?

All letters chosen for publication in Volume IV of the Thank You Letters Project will be edited to ensure the anonymity of your not-for-profit, your donor and the person who signs the letter. (See a sample below)..

What are the benefits of participating in this project?

Penelope comments on every letter, pointing out especially positive characteristics that influence donors and suggesting how some aspects could be improved. Penelope’s annotations are constructive and reflect what donors have told us in many research studies.

Volume IV will include thirty or more letters, so this publication is a creative resource for times when you need the inspiration of others to help you craft winning acknowledgements.

Can I submit a letter that is already in production or does it have to be new?

Already in use or just composed are fine, as long as they include your best attempt to be donor-centered.

How many thank you letters can I submit?

As many as you like.

What is the deadline for submission?

July 31st, 2020

How do I submit my Thank You Letter(s)?

Send an email to [email protected] and attach your thank you letter. All submissions will be acknowledged.

Annotated Thank You Letter


Donor-Centered Fundraising
Backed by dozens of studies with tens of thousands of donors, Donor-Centered Fundraising is the authoritative text on why donors stop giving and what it takes to keep them loyal and giving more generously in a changing giving environment. The book clarifies what donors want, but seldom get, and how a donor-centered approach to acknowledgement, communication and recognition raises much more money. Donor-Centered Fundraising is full of vivid samples and eye-opening anecdotes, plus it’s a delightful and compelling read.

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