I like to see results, but I also like to feel good about the effort I’ve made to give. I am not seeking praise, just a simple note expressing sincere thanks without making a big deal about it. That’s enough to transform me from a barely connected donor to a cheerfully generous philanthropist.
It’s even easier these days to be scared about money and whether I can hang on financially. But when the fear takes hold, I have a solution that soothes my anxiety. I take out my checkbook and give money away. I’m not sure why that works, but it calms me down and lets me move on, knowing that things will work out in the end.

My inbox overflows with pleas for my support. I don’t know enough about whether any of these organizations are effective and I certainly don’t have the expertise or time to do the requisite research. So I do what I’ve always done, which is to give more to not-for-profits that I already support or with which trusted friends and colleagues are associated.

Donor-Centered Fundraising:

Penelope Burk’s evidence-based solution for raising more money in a changing giving environment


What DONORS say will keep them loyal and inspire more generous giving.

Donor-Centered Fundraising

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If you already know what you want…